Our Animal Area

Here at the Japanese Koi Company, we try to be more than just a pet shop. With many years of experience, we really know our animals.

We have built a new and exciting area occupied with a few select animals from around the world. This blog will show the birth of the project and introduce you to a few of the animals we love. Through pictures , text, videos and who knows maybe even a webcam this blog will involve you in their day to day lives.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

locust log

Roger came up with a good idea on how to feed the genets and raccoon dogs the other day. Exploring their natural instincts to look in hollow logs and dig away at bark he has hidden locusts in various logs . As soon as the new feeders went in they were straight on to them. The genets face was practically stuck and the female raccoon dog basically picked the log up and launched it.

You may also see a big water bowl in with the raccoon dogs full of rocks (this is not for doing their washing in), Roger noticed that the dogs would start to paddle in shallow dishes, he wondered if it was a natural instinct to move rocks and stones to see what was hiding  under them. So clever old Roger found some nice round stones put them in the bowl and the female straight away started moving them. He hid some treats under the rocks and they found them straight away.

Roger will be postiing some videos soon of these antics.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Fresh Ideas

As of late not much new stuff has been happening in our animal zone, so we have been creating new toys and chnging the environments about so the animals do not get bored. What we dont want to see are animals pacing up and  down the enclosures looking thoroughly bored.

The Raccoon dogs have had a toy put on the end off a long chain so that they can pull it till their hearts are content. Makes a bit of a racket when it is clanging about but the male really does seem to enjoy it.

The Senegal ground doves have been mating and laying eggs and even though i put three nest pans at different hights she insists on laying eggs in the food bowl. Not wise with messy/ boisterous starlings about. Hopefully she will get the hang of it.

Tomorrows job for me is to create something for the armadillos, i am thinking of something to put food in that they then have to dig up and destroy to get dinner. Maybe something better will come to me in a dream.

The owls have a nest box which i have found poo in so someone has obviously been nosing around in there, good signs for next year and the breeding season.

The hanging baskets are looking rather fab at the moment and bring a bit of colour to the display.

Our centre piece. Love it.

Will we add more animals to the animal zone ..................................

Thursday 2 August 2012


Baby animals always have that cute factor and these chaps definately have it. These are African Dwarf Dormice and its the first time we have been able to breed these little guys. Have had a couple pairs in the past but they have never bred. This is the second litter and she is a great mum. Three babies on this litter compared to one the first time. Always nice to see babies in the shop.