Our Animal Area

Here at the Japanese Koi Company, we try to be more than just a pet shop. With many years of experience, we really know our animals.

We have built a new and exciting area occupied with a few select animals from around the world. This blog will show the birth of the project and introduce you to a few of the animals we love. Through pictures , text, videos and who knows maybe even a webcam this blog will involve you in their day to day lives.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Paving the way

With only two days to go, we had a lot to get done. The builders arrived early to start paving and made a good start. Only one thing held them back, the lack of paving slabs!! A lot of time was lost, but still plenty of time to get the work done or so we hoped.
Of course like all the best made plans, things had to be changed and slightly altered. Somehow I had managed to order too many aviaries. To compensate for a minor mistake we simply made a bigger paved area. Phew!!!!!
Only one day to go and the builders did not turn up. This of course presented a problem as no slabs could be laid but it did give us the chance to extend the area.

Bransby Bunny were the company we used to build the aviaries and i have to say 'what an amazing company'. They arrived before 7am after a three and a half hour drive. By the time i got there one aviary was already up. Builders were paving around them and things were going in the right direction.

I want to say thank you again to Bransby Bunny. Amazing aviaries and brilliant service.

As the work was going on outside, the guys and girls on my department were making calls and collecting materials for decoration. We wanted to make the aviaries the best homes for the animals we could. We spent alot of time thinking about each animal and their individual needs, making sure they would have places to retreat to and plenty of room for exercise.

After a busy day the area was coming along brilliantly.

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