Our Animal Area

Here at the Japanese Koi Company, we try to be more than just a pet shop. With many years of experience, we really know our animals.

We have built a new and exciting area occupied with a few select animals from around the world. This blog will show the birth of the project and introduce you to a few of the animals we love. Through pictures , text, videos and who knows maybe even a webcam this blog will involve you in their day to day lives.

Monday 30 July 2012

Recent goings on

The main big change at the Japanese Koi Co is the change the car park has seen. We have move some of the containers which has doubled the size of the car park. We do still have to move one but that has to wait until september. We had a 1 million pound crane come and move the containers. It was a rather impressive machine.
The Tenrecs have been doing great and eating every worm in sight, this week my four year old son has dug up half the garden looking for worms for the little critters. Although i think he loves it as every morning he pleads me to go help. The kookaburra that were looking at the nest box gave up as soon as the weather changed back to wet, so hopefully next year.
I got a nest box up in the owl aviary so again next year we may have baby owls as well.
The Raccoon dogs have been coming out on the lead more and the female is looking rather rotund. Maybe pregnant but we are all waiting to see. In the next week or so i hope to have the webcams sorted so please keep an eye for them..
The Genets are doing great but have shown no interest in breeding possibly to yong or possibly to hand reared only time will tell.
My fox is coming along beautifully and is looking like a proper fox now. She should be almost fully grown by christmas and is becoming much better on the lead.

big move

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Please bare with me

Due to overuse my computer said enough is enough, so bare with me while i sort another computer out. I will try and blog as soon as possible.



Thursday 12 July 2012

Some recent pictures

 Above is the male Raccoon dog a most endearing animal, who you may see around the shop on his harness.
 Roger, He is the human in the photo above, has been working at the shop for a few years and recently joined the team full time. Really glad he has become part of the gang as he has an afinity with animals.
 Armadillos , the true diggers of the animal world, they may take a while to wake up but when they are, these guys do not stop.
 The Genets above and below with yours truly, I the bigger and almost as hairy one in the photo above.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Massive hopper

This is the worlds second largest grasshopper in the world, with the biggest only being a cm bigger. It was bought into the shop by a very good friend of mine Mr Ian Pitts, who is breeding these giants. The eggs take a year to hatch so extreme patience is needed when breeding them. They feed on bramble so are easy to keep but need a spacious accomodation.
Thank you ian for bringing them into to show the staff.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Good old friends

I love hearing good news about old friends. I have decided to write a post on Japanese koi companys good friend Ben Andrew. He is an old collegue of mine and i had the pleasure of working with him for five years, we worked alongside each other in the animal departments.
We also had another shared interest British Wildlife , if you think its boring 'get out there and see for yourself' I have been a keen wildlife watcher since i was very young. Ben although relatively new too it compared to me has fallen head over heels for it.
He got me into photography a few years back and Ben has excelled in this field. Winning competitions and having photos shown in exhibitions. His work is inspiring and does something more it tells a story which is so hard to do with pictures.

Well here is his website : www.benandrewphotography.co.uk

Here is a link to his award winning picture: http://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/stunning_picture_of_st_albans_heron_wins_photo_contest_1_1110928

Please take the time to check his website out and look through his work. I believe this guy will go on to achieve a lot more.

Thanks for all your hard work over the years old chap.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Roul Roul partridge

The crested wood partridge also known as the crested wood pigeon is a native bird of Indonesia found over a wide range. It is a game bird and makes our pheasant and grey partridge rather drab in comparison.
The male constructs very elaborate nests using twigs and leaves the female will choose one to conceal herself and her eggs. They feed on insects, shoots and fruit as they rummage around the forest floor.

 The male above is a black green body with an awesome red crest the female a little less flamboyant and is a beautiful green colour.

lowland streaked tenrec