Our Animal Area

Here at the Japanese Koi Company, we try to be more than just a pet shop. With many years of experience, we really know our animals.

We have built a new and exciting area occupied with a few select animals from around the world. This blog will show the birth of the project and introduce you to a few of the animals we love. Through pictures , text, videos and who knows maybe even a webcam this blog will involve you in their day to day lives.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Some recent pictures

 Above is the male Raccoon dog a most endearing animal, who you may see around the shop on his harness.
 Roger, He is the human in the photo above, has been working at the shop for a few years and recently joined the team full time. Really glad he has become part of the gang as he has an afinity with animals.
 Armadillos , the true diggers of the animal world, they may take a while to wake up but when they are, these guys do not stop.
 The Genets above and below with yours truly, I the bigger and almost as hairy one in the photo above.

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